In early December I was able to
accompany several other ladies
from RVA on a visit to St. Edwin's
orphanage. It is a Christian home
for girls in the town of Kimendi
about five miles from Kijabe.
Edwin (who was at work) and his
wife, Ruth, whom you see here,
keep about 22 girls at this home.
After we were served chai and
pastries, the girls entertained us.

Behind the green
doorways are their
bedrooms. The
structure behind
the garden is the
room and craft area.

After singing several songs for us, they took us to the craft area to show us what they have learned to do. They've been taught to make necklaces!

They start with shiny paper (this is what our computer paper is wrapped in), cut it into long triangular shapes and start to roll it from the wide end.

They end up looking like this.

Mama Ruth strings them into necklaces. She is so happy to have had the children taught this skill by a shop owner here in Kijabe. As they sell the necklaces, it teaches them that it pays to learn a skill even at their young age.

As we drove away, I think we felt as sad to
depart as the children look. It was such
a rewarding visit to see these precious
children being loved and challenged. I
can't wait to go back.

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