Sunday, September 27, 2009


Saturday, September 26, found us with 10 others from RVA boarding two minivans and driving an hour northwest to Lake Naivasha. We arrived at the Country Club there about 11:30. A buffet lunch would be served at 12:30, so we walked around the beautiful setting with Vic seeing many new birds. God went crazy painting some beautiful ones there!

At 12:30 we gathered out under the trees for a delicious meal. It started with pumpkin soup followed by the buffet. I can't say that much of it was African food but it was all good.

After lunch we went by boats to the island (Crescent Island) in the middle of the lake where "Out of Africa" was filmed. The animals on the island were brought there for the movie but they have continued to multiply and do well in spite of very dry conditions. In fact, the lake is very low and the local flower business (which is big in that area) is using too much of the water for irrigation.

We walked and walked on the island mingling with wildebeests, zebras, impalas, giraffes, and waterbuck. We got closer to some than others but it was an amazing experience. The guide took us to see a sleeping python in a rock and then we saw one stretched out in some weeds. They estimated it to be about 16 feet long. We didn't get very close!! The hippos were numerous in the lake as were many beautiful birds all day long. You know that made Vic happy!

Back to the club where we sat on the porch and had tea and coffee before our trip back to RVA.

The trip was a wonderful change from the fast and fairly rigorous pace we keep teaching during the week. We look forward to the next chance to experience some of the beauty of Africa.


  1. Mom and Dad,

    It looks great! I'm so glad you were able to have this change of pace. What amazing animals and plant life God has created.

  2. Hi Vic and Charlotte,
    Just saw pictures of you wild life experience and am covered with goosebumps and tears of appreciation for you getting to be so close to these precious animals. Magical!!
    All goes well here. Downsize, Mrs. Susovich's pipes burst a few days ago and flooded her condo and the next door one. She was in Atlanta with her daughter. Wayne and David have done a masterful job of getting water pros in to address the mess. Poor woman.
    Off to church today. Went to town and gave survival items to the homeless and enjoy that contact so much. Lucy, a lady who is so dear, now has a puppy and if I could I'd steal little Brandy from her. I've never seen such a sweet little puppy, so well mannered and engaging. So glad she has Brandy as she is the lady I wrote about recently. I think you got a copy.
    Do let me know when you want me to get some gifts you spoke of earlier.
    I'll be in Kansas City from Oct. 6th to the 13th. Got to check in with my old buddies.
    New room totally finished and I LOVE IT...
    Send love to you two also.

  3. Awesome! Imagine being able to see all those animals that we can't see here in Savannah! The hippos are my favorite. They look so cool!
    I continue to be inspired by you and will continue to pray for you!

    Take care,


  4. Carol and I remember seeing our first giraffes in the wild while in Kenya. They are nothing like the giraffes in the zoo. They seem to float above the ground when they walk or run. Glad you had a chance to see so much of God's creation. I am thinking that we might have eaten lunch at the same hotel on the lake.

    Bud Bence

  5. It has been fun hearing about your experience. We can identify with some of what you are experiencing, however, SL didn't have that variety of animals.

    We continue to pray for you both.
